
Reactor Type Pressurised Water Reactor (or PWR)
Model W (3-loop) DRYAMB
Owner Florida Power & Light Co.
Operator Florida Power & Light Co.


Construction Start Thursday, 27 April 1967
First Criticality Monday, 11 June 1973
First Grid Connection Thursday, 21 June 1973
Commercial Operation Friday, 7 September 1973


Capacity Net 821 MWe
Capacity Gross 829 MWe
Thermal Capacity 2644 MWt
Design Net Capacity 693 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1973 - - - - - - - -
1974 728 6759 4513.40 77.20 100.00 100.00 70.80 70.80
1975 666 6172 3991.90 70.50 68.30 84.90 68.40 69.60
1976 666 5825 3774.80 66.30 64.30 78.20 64.50 68.00
1977 666 5578 3671.00 63.70 62.70 74.40 62.90 66.80
1978 666 6693 3791.40 76.40 65.00 72.60 65.00 66.40
1979 666 6361 3846.60 72.60 65.90 71.50 65.90 66.30
1980 657 6093 3856.50 69.40 69.40 71.20 66.80 66.40
1981 646 6801 4507.20 77.60 77.30 71.90 79.60 68.00
1982 646 5806 3847.20 66.30 66.40 71.30 68.00 68.00
1983 659 4568 2978.90 52.20 52.40 69.50 51.60 66.40
1984 666 4774 3084.14 54.40 54.40 68.10 52.70 65.10
1985 666 7852 5177.93 89.60 89.70 69.90 88.80 67.10
1986 666 2790 1744.00 31.80 31.90 67.00 29.90 64.20
1987 666 4314 2657.55 49.20 49.30 65.70 45.60 62.90
1988 666 4986 3267.74 56.80 56.80 65.10 55.90 62.40
1989 666 3676 2107.57 42.00 42.00 63.70 36.10 60.80
1990 666 6692 4384.92 76.40 76.40 64.40 75.20 61.60
1991 666 1335 808.05 15.20 48.20 63.50 13.80 59.00
1992 666 7139 4642.28 81.30 81.30 64.50 79.40 60.10
1993 666 7277 4746.29 83.10 83.10 65.40 81.40 61.10
1994 666 7437 4844.35 84.90 85.00 66.30 83.00 62.20
1995 666 8629 5780.13 98.50 98.50 67.80 99.10 63.80
1996 693 7771 5165.36 88.50 88.60 68.70 87.40 64.90
1997 693 7809 5442.56 89.10 89.60 69.60 89.60 66.00
1998 693 8760 6181.46 100.00 100.00 70.90 101.80 67.40
1999 693 8185 5735.27 93.40 93.40 71.80 94.50 68.50
2000 693 8028 5591.38 91.40 91.40 72.50 91.80 69.40
2001 693 8623 6105.26 98.40 98.40 73.50 100.60 70.60
2002 693 8369 5854.08 95.50 95.60 74.30 96.40 71.50
2003 693 8033 5562.48 91.70 91.70 74.90 91.60 72.20
2004 693 8662 6079.18 98.60 98.60 75.60 99.90 73.10
2005 693 6243 4240.96 71.30 71.30 75.50 69.90 73.00
2006 693 7669 5383.75 87.60 87.60 75.90 88.70 73.50
2007 693 8552 5148.80 97.60 97.60 76.50 84.80 73.80
2008 693 7415 5234.90 84.40 84.40 76.80 86.00 74.20
2009 693 7811 5435.35 89.20 89.20 77.10 89.50 74.60
2010 693 8397 5949.82 95.90 95.90 77.60 98.00 75.20
2011 693 7202 5089.88 82.20 82.20 77.80 83.80 75.50
2012 693 7416 5235.36 84.40 84.40 77.90 86.00 75.80
2013 802 6156 4674.70 70.30 73.40 77.80 68.80 75.60
2014 802 7828 6149.85 89.40 89.40 78.10 87.50 75.90
2015 802 8623 7047.86 98.40 98.40 78.70 100.30 76.60
2016 802 8022 6559.29 91.30 91.30 79.00 93.10 77.00
2017 802 7956 6554.48 90.80 90.80 79.40 93.30 77.50
2018 821 8760 7292.15 100.00 100.00 79.90 101.40 78.10
2019 821 8011 6608.74 91.40 91.50 80.20 91.90 78.40
2020 821 7338 6062.56 83.50 83.50 80.30 84.10 78.60
2021 821 8760 7571.21 100.00 100.00 80.80 105.30 79.20
2022 821 7997 6908.00 91.30 94.20 81.10 96.00 79.60
2023 821 7715 6656.18 88.10 87.90 81.20 92.60 79.90

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in United States

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